Multinational Research Society Publisher

Author Guidelines for MRS Publisher

Thank you for your interest in submitting your research to the Materials Research Society (MRS). To ensure that your submission meets the high standards of our publications, please read and follow these author guidelines carefully. These instructions are designed to assist you in preparing and submitting your manuscript for consideration in one of our journals or proceedings.

1. Manuscript Preparation

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that your work adheres to the following formatting and content requirements:

General Formatting

Title and Abstract


Figures and Tables



2. Submission Process

Online Submission

Author Contributions

Ethics and Compliance

3. Peer Review Process

4. Copyright and Permissions

5. Types of Articles Accepted

MRS accepts the following types of manuscripts:

6. Open Access and Publication Fees

7. Revisions and Resubmissions

8. Publication Ethics

MRS adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics. As an author, you are expected to: