Multinational Research Society Publisher

MRS Journal of Arts, Humanities and Literature
Abbr. Title: MRS J Arts humanit Liter
ISSN(Online): 3049-1444
Publisher: MRS Publisher
Frequency: Monthly
Country of origin: India
Chief Editor: Dr. M. B. Fowzul
Language: English

MRS Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Abbr. Title: MRS J Mul Res Stud
ISSN(Online): 3049-1398
Publisher: MRS Publisher
Frequency: Monthly
Country of origin: India
Chief Editor: Mohammad Taleghani
Language: English

MRS Journal of Science and Technology
Abbr. Title: MRS J Sci Tech
ISSN(Online): xxxx-xxxx
Publisher: MRS Publisher
Frequency: Monthly
Country of origin: India
Chief Editor: xxxxxxxxxxx
Language: English

MRS Journal of Accounting and Business Management
Abbr. Title: MRS J Acco Bus Manag
ISSN(Online): 3049-1460
Publisher: MRS Publisher
Frequency: Monthly
Country of origin: India
Chief Editor: Dr. Sanusi Mohammed Sadiq
Language: English